Facebook Groups

Are you using this tool effectively! What tool? Facebook Groups!

The @everyone tag has drawn a lot of mixed emotions among the social media world.

When used effectively, however, it can be a valuable part of your group management.

Here are 3 suggestions on making good use of this feature.

1. Explain when & why you'll tag all members and stick to the expectations you've set.

2. Use it sparingly. Just because you CAN use it everyday, doesn't mean you should

3. Use the @everyone tag to enhance the user experience, not your marketing- meaning make valuable content that people want to follow and don’t rely on the new feature for engagement.

As the Group Member, YOU have a responsibility too, if you want to make the most of the group!

1. Engage with fellow members. Set up virtual chats or in person meet ups.

2. Get involved. Did you know these apps set algorithms based on your level of engagement. Want people to support you? Get involved in supporting them via social media engagement.

Remember, social media networking is one part of your marketing plan. Use effectively,

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