One of the best things you can do to ensure your customers and clients keep coming back for more is to make it super easy to work with you. Many large companies have entire teams dedicated to the customer experience. If you aren’t quite ready for a dedicated team, here are a few ways to ensure excellent customer experience.

  1. Take yourself through your process: Have you ever walked through ordering your products? How did it feel maneuvering through your website? When you opened your product, was it frustrating? Were products damaged? See the entire process through as though YOU are the customer.

  2. Observe others go through the process: This is called “user testing” in the business and it’s necessary to do the process. You may have gone through your process and it makes sense for you. This is to be expected, as you most likely created the system. The actual test is to see someone go through to make sure that someone who doesn’t think like you can easily go through purchasing a product or service.

  3. Honor the feedback: This is where humility is key. Remember, the goal is excellent customer service. And it’s the customer who will provide the feedback as to if the service is excellent. It's tough to read poor reviews and sometimes people are just being super picky, however, their feedback can give you insight into how to make improvement. When someone provides poor feedback and/or reviews, reach out directly, offer to make it right, and then discuss with your team how to make sure this experience never happens again.

The Takeaway: The customer is always right. While that mentality may seem “old-school” the reality is the goal is to make the customer feel seen, heard and validated. And remember, you can ALWAYS improve your customer experience process.


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