My Friends Don’t Support My Business

You are so excited about your new business. This is your dream come true. No matter what happens, you know that your friends and family will support you, right? Well, maybe not.

One constant complaint we hear from entrepreneurs is the lack of support they receive from their friends and family. While this may cause you to question if your friends ever really loved you, perhaps instead here are 3 things to consider when your support team isn’t quite supportive.

  1. They aren’t obligated to support you! Wait? Is this true? Absolutely! your business just may not appeal to them and that’s ok, just because they love us doesn’t mean they’re obligated to promote us, use our products or even ask us about it!

  2. They just don’t “get” your business! Ouch! That can be a hard pill to swallow because to YOU it makes sense. It solves a problem that YOU or someone close to you has and besides that, you did your market research! But, it’s a good chance your friends and family are NOT your audience. Remember, we are all operating with limited time and mental energy, so people choose what benefits them at the moment, and that may not be your product or service.

  3. They don’t love it! This one may feel like the biggest betrayal of all. How can they not love your business when it means so much to you? But it really is that simple. Just because they love your business doesn’t mean they love what you do. Most of us are pretty consistent with staying in the places that we like. Maybe they just don’t like your product.

Okay, so we got through the painful part. How do we work around this? Here are 4 ways to make the best of “non-supportive” friends and family.

  1. Make it easy for them to support! See, you keep trying to get them to support from an emotional place. As we’ve discussed, they may not have an emotional connection to your business. So make it easy for them. How can you do that?

    Here are 2 examples. 1. Create an easy post for them to share. Write out the script, the images, etc. so that all they have to do is share it on their social media. 2. Give them a sample of your product and ask them to give you 5 words to describe their experience. Use their words as a testimonial.

  2. Get new business besties! They exist! They really do! Find besties that really have your back no matter what, people who will promote you, support you, celebrate with you, and help you through the tough times. These may be people you work with, or that you find at networking events or social media groups.

  3. Don’t entertain negativity. You don’t have to show up to every conversation you’re invited to attend. Perhaps it’s coming from a positive place, but if the energy is negative, dismiss yourself and make it a rule NOT to discuss your business with that person. You don’t need that negative influence in your life.

  4. Focus on your business. Listen, in reality, you have very little control over anyone. So rather than waste your time on the naysayers and the opinionated, or those that just aren’t interested, use that time for a better purpose. Learn strategies and systems that get your business to the intended audience. Take classes so that you are keeping your skills fresh. You will find you have business growth and very little time and energy to worry about anyone else.

Whether it’s a friend or otherwise, when a person shows up just to support you, but isn’t genuinely interested in your business, they may do you more harm than good. They will lack the emotion that sells the business.

Remember, it’s not personal. You are in control of the conversations around your business, and someone’s disinterest isn’t a reflection on you or even your business. Focus on your dreams, and they will come true abundantly.

Want to explore this further, have questions or want some new biz besties of your own, then come join the fun at our Facebook Group or book in a free discovery call!


Embrace Change!


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